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Welcome to the community! As much as we love our DSLRs, we also love 

vote for your star photo!

vote for your star photo!

Hover over each image and click on the       icon to vote

OUR #bcphonephotography


1. Follow @bluecloudsphotos on Instagram &  be subscribed to our mailing list.

2. Submit your best mobile phone photo via email to

(one entry per person) with subject heading: #bcphonephotography + month"

3. Don't forget to include a catchy title for your photo, the type of mobile device used and your Instagram handle.

4. Invite your friends to vote for you!

5. Contestant with the highest vote wins a $30 Uber Eats Gift Card, $30 Cineplex Gift Card or a Disposable Kodak Film Camera.


*Submissions are limited to Canada only.

*Submissions MUST be taken with a mobile device

*Submissions should be true to theme or capture the essence of the theme.

*Explicit photos will not be accepted.

* Selfies will not be considered.

how to enter
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